četrtek, 28. avgust 2014

“When I look in the mirror, I know I’m looking at someone who isn’t sure she deserves to be loved at all.”


Bilo je čudovito poletje, sončni žarki so sijali skoraj z vso svojo močjo na fanta in dekle, ki sta se počasi sprehajala po parku. Smejala sta se šalam drug drugega ter se občasno po nesreči, nezavedno dotaknila drug drugega. Kar naenkrat se je fant ustavil, se obrnil proti dekletu in jo prijel za roke. Pogledal jo je v oči in rekel: "Rad te imam."
Dekle se je v trenutku zresnilo. "Ka-aj?" je zajecljala. Nič ji ni bilo jasno. Še pred minuto sta se lovila po parku, prepričana je bila, da lahko s svojo roko v njegovi osvoji ves svet, a zdaj je obstala sredi travnika popolnoma zmedena.
"Julija, všeč si mi," ji je ponovno povedal.
 Pogledala ga je in videla, da misli resno. A še vedno ni verjela, le kako bi mu bila všeč ona, čisto povprečno dekle, ki v ničemer ne izstopa. "Zakaj?" ga je tiho in obotavljajoče vprašal.
Njen odgovor ga je presenetil. "Zakaj?" je ponovil. "Julija, eno izmed najboljših deklet si, kar sem jih kdaj spoznal. Vem, da se lahko vedno zanesem nate, da me boš vedno spravila v dobro voljo. Vedno komaj čakam, da te vidim, saj je vsak trenutek s tabo popoln. In ko te pogledam, vidim prečudovito dekle s prelepimi, sijočimi lasmi in temi velikimi, včasih resda naivnimi očmi, ki žarijo, ko govoriš, o nečem, kar imaš rada. Pa tvoj nasmeh, ne zavedaš se, kako si lepa, ko se nasmejiš." Za trenutek je obmolknil. Ko je videl njen prestrašen obraz, se mu je pogled pomračil. "Razumem, če ne čutiš enako," je dodal z glasom, v katerem je bilo čutiti sled razočaranja.
Obrnila se je stran, saj ni več prenesla njegovega pogleda. On, fant, o katerem sanja vsako noč, je zaljubljen vanjo. Vedela je, da je že dolgo zaljubljena vanj, a si tega ne upa priznati. Strah jo je bilo ljubezni, strah pred tem močnim, globokim čustvom, ki ga prej še nikoli ni čutila. Bala se mu je zaupati svoja čustva, saj je vedela, da bo s tem postala ranljiva, mu dala moč, da jo prizadane, uniči. A tokrat se je odločila tvegati. Pogledala ga je z očmi, v kotičku katerih so se nabirale solze, a so vseeno izžarevale nepopisno veselje.

"Tudi ti si meni všeč," je priznala.

sreda, 27. avgust 2014

DAY 2. - Favorite side character.

Sometimes side characters can be even more compelling than the main ones, so I've had really big troubles with choosing my favourite. It takes a great writer to create a side character with whom readers fall in love, because they give the special touch to the story and make the story even more interesting and deep.

I was thinking about the books I've read recently and thought of so many great characters, but instead of that I kept looking for someone about whom I was reading a long time but still couldn't forget about him/her. So... Among all possible options I chose Adrian Ivashkov from Vampire Academy.

Yes, he is the main character in the Bloodlines series, but in the Vampire Academy he was just a minor character and wasn't even mentioned in the first book. In Frostbite, 2nd book in series, he didn't make a really good first impression. He was a bored rich guy who was trying to get Rose, with whom he fell in love on the first sight. But during the Vampire Academy and later Bloodlines series, he was slowly changing and came from a desperate boy, who had no idea what to do with his life and whose only entertainment were alcohol and girls, to a man that actually cares about others, fall in love with a human girl and start doing something with his life. I like him, because at the beginning he is a weak-willed person. Yes, he's always been doing everything his own way, irrespective of what others thought about him, but his worst poison and enemy was coming out of himself. He is a spirit user and that's why he had problems with behavior and depression, but then, with Lisa's help, who is also a spirit user, he learned that alcohol and partys were not the cure for his problems and that he needed to change the way he was living. It was definitely hard for him, but he became a man that knows what he wants, do things his way, but he still remained Adrian: honest, frank, ready to party at any minute of the day and not being afraid to defend the ones he loves.